Advertise your business to a massive 150M record, opt-in list, with more than 700 targeting 

Tap into our 150 Million Strong Email List

With our premiere email marketing service, you can tap into our 150M strong email list with more than 700 targeting parameters. 


For example if you run an insurance agency, you can mail anyone and everyone who's wanting to purchase an insurance policy in the area you choose. 

Email is One of the Oldest, Yet Most Effective Modes of Communication. 

More than 50% of consumers residing in the United States check their personal email accounts 10+ times a day, and its their preferred way of receiving the latest updates from brands.

More than 59% of the marketers claim email marketing delivers them a positive ROI.

Businesses using segmented campaigns have witnessed a gigantic 760% boost in revenue.

700+ targeting  parameters 

Uplift has one of the largest, most segmented, and regularly updated opt-in consumer lists across the nation.

With these 700+ segmentation options, you can segment by: location, home owner status, family size, ages of children, ages of parents, households with elderly individuals, etc. 




Let Us Help You Kickstart Your Email Marketing Campaign(s).

Our experts would love to go all in with you, from creating the perfect email copy to recommending the best promotion (we have access to a library of 100+ case studies), to creating a segmented list, to delivering and providing reports.


Reach out to our Email Marketing experts to start planning your campaign today.

Pricing and FAQ

What'll it cost me?

What we charge depends on the size of the campaigns you run plus the setup costs. The more emails you send, or the higher the amount of emails you send.


For 50,000 emails, you'll be charged $1,000.

For 200,000 emails, you'll be charged $800 for every 50,000 emails.

Is the list updated regularly?

Yes, we regularly update and clean our list.

Got more questions? 

Our experts are waiting to hear from you.

Contact us TODAY!


Email marketing is one of the oldest digital marketing tactics. It has helped countless businesses scale their business and reach more customers. With Uplift's 150M record, opt-in list and 700+ targeting parameters, you can run email marketing campaigns that actually deliver results.


Our experts would love nothing more than running that perfect email marketing campaign for you that will take your business to the next level. 


Want to connect with a
  marketing expert? 

Or Just Call Us!